Here are some of the reports we arre recieving from Gabon. They come from Pastor Augustin Ndjoumbi.
Revival Report
Mark 16 :17 « “These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
An extraordinary revival is taking place here. Men, women, and children are visited by the power of the Holy Spirit. People start talking in tongues and in other human languages. The children are not left out. There are wrecked with the Holy Spirit !
In certain of our churches, it is not rare anymore to have services where the Presence of God is so strong that no one can actually preach. We experience every day Romans 14:17: “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”. Each one of the services, men, women and children are totally drunk with a new wine which we can’t find on earth. The people get filled with joy and they cannot stop laughing. The sick are healed.
We have received the testimony of two old ladies who found themselves totally drunk without drinking alcohol. What happened? A sister of the church who was at the explosion conference 2014 took a invisible glass and gave it to the two old ladies. She told them to drink what they could not see. She did not want to influence them by telling them that they were actually drinking the wine of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says to not get drunk with wine as it is wrong, but to be continuously filled with the Holy Spirit. When they drank, they were asked what they were experiencing. They answered that they had this impression of drinking wine and that they were drunk! They needed a good sleep! Alleluia!
Our meetings are electric ! There is no more meeting where people are not drunk. During one of our services, we decided to experience something new : we wanted to release the Presence of God on each single person coming into the building. It ended up that when we started our service, everyone was already drunk, some were rolling on the floor and others laughing loudly. Oh what Laughter!
During praise and worship, a sister who was not yet baptized with the Holy Spirit is sitting down. Suddenly the spirit of God blew her violently backwards and filled her. This woman was pregnant, but when another lady carried her, it was like if she was weighing like a feather! Dear Holy Spirit ! You are wonderful ! The pregnant lady was taken into another room, but each single person who walked into this room were swept by the Presence of the Lord. One of them turned into an acrobat, and she found herself doing things she had never been able to do before! Glory to God! This same lady started to prophecy over each one of the ladies who were standing around her. GLORY! Let me say again that it was impossible to preach. Yo !
This same morning, I had called one of our connections in Port Gentil (economic city of Gabon where we are planning to plant a church) and I realize while talking that this man was sick. He explains that he suffers from stomach ache. On the phone, I start praying for him and I release the presence of God over him. This man started to shake and the spirit of God came upon him. I could hear his heavy breathing over the phone. At the end of the prayer, when I asked what had happened, he said that his feet started to shake and something came out of his mouth when the presence of God fell on him. Alléluia !
A woman, probably when she was getting out of her house – I actually don’t know- fell and broke some of her ribs. She went to hospital and it was confirmed that she had broken ribs. She was sent to another hospital, where it was confirmed again that her ribs were broken. She had big bruise, to not say a scar. Two children of our church, around 11 and 13 years old, went with their mother to visit this lady, who was their aunt. They prayed for her and released the presence of God and healing on this lady. She was instantly healed and the bruises and scars disappeared! The following day, she went for an X-ray and there is not more broken ribs! Glory to God!
Another lady had a disease called a « zona ». This disease provoked a stroke, and she was now paralyzed on one side of her body (arm and feet). She had recently started to use her feet again, but not her arm. She also had a disease which was causing an issue of blood. One of the mothers of our church, who is leading the Healing Rooms, was told by the Holy Spirit to go to this lady. So she went to Ntoum, a city 30 to 45 kms out of Libreville. When she received prayer, blood stopped to flow and for the first time she was able to raise her arm and move it! Alleluia!
A young 21 years old man came to church. He could not walk so he was helped and held by another young man. He had a heart failure, a kidney failure, and tuberculosis. He was struggling to breathe and could not eat for about a week then. When we started to pray for him, we witnessed a very strange thing : God started to give him a blood transfusion, right in front of our eyes! It was an incredible miracle. At the end of the prayer, this young man, who had the size of a basket ball player, stood on his feet by himself and started to jump and run! Yes God is able!
A man who had a swollen hand came to one of our mothers. She prayed for him and his hand was healed!
A woman with diabetis received prayer. At the end, she was completely drunk with the Spirit and she started to vomit. Alléluia!
Another woman was delivered from a spirit of snake.
A woman who applied for a job heard that she did not get it. When she was told to come to get her file, she refused this news. She went and said: it is not me, because my God is with me and I have his presence and favor. When she got there, she simply said that they had made a mistake as it was not possible that her file was refused. They took it back and… she got the job! Alleluia!