
by | Oct 30, 2009

Just a short post. We just got back from the evening meeting. It was wonderful! When I arrived I felt that I just wanted to soak during the P&W so I went to look for some level floor to lie on. I couldn’t find a spot where I wouldn’t be in someone’s way or where I wouldn’t get trodden on until I discovered that there was a little room hidden behind a curtain at the back of the auditorium. So I crawled behind the curtain and the moment I did the glory fell all over me! I laughed so hard for 45 minutes that I now need healing for my throat! At the end of P&W I made my way to our seats which were unfortunately right at the very back of the auditorium high on the bleechers. We were all buzzing, and it started to get quite “hot” up there. We were just managing to hold it all together until from behind us we heard “whirrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jacques’ characteristic sound when he gets vacked! The thing is it wasn’t Jacques it was a tiny baby making the noise! We all lost it and the fire spread all over the back section. It took us a long time to recover.

John Arnott shared a brilliant message on Honouring the anointing, in others and on yourself it was HUGE!!!!!! It is definately getting deeper, and deeper!
John Arnott just walked past me in the lobby of the hotel and when I thanked him for the message he said “The Spirit of the Lord has anointed you!” and now I am cackling away in the lobby, raising a few eyebrows.

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