I am in love-with a man!

by | Oct 30, 2009

I kissed Bill Bennot on the mouth today, but he is not the guy. The people who were in the queue to get into the church this morning could be forgiven if they thought that our group were a group of loud drunks with confused sexual identities. It happened like this. Bill is sharing a room with Gillian and early this morning they had a time of “GW” or “garage worship” Bill’s famous early morning worship. As they were in the midst of that time the glory came into their hotel room and the two of them got “vacked”. (drunk with god’s love) When they joined Mark and I for breakfast they were still full of joy and so we entered in with them and on the bus over from our hotel we decided to see if we could get vacked too by the time we arrived at the church. Well, it worked! The presence of God filled us and that bus and we got to the church loudly and joyfully full of God’s presence. Even though we had got there early the queue stretched around the building and we had a 45 minute wait to get in. Despite the cold we were all in good spirits and just like a group of pub crawlers- and to the consternation of some of the people around us, we were sharing jokes and everything seemed to be funny. We were having so much fun that Mark decided to take a photo of us standing in the queue so Bill and I posed for the photo and Bill put a comradely arm over my shoulder. Then I thought it would be funny if I pretended to give him a peck on the cheek, I turned to do so and to our mutual shock and horror I found he had thought of the same joke at the same time! That is how I came to kiss Bill on the lips! Just to be clear-Debbie kisses better, and, Debs, I don’t enjoy beards either.

However the man I am refering to in the title of this blog is Jesus. In his presence I find that I come alive, my heart races with escitement, he makes me laugh, he brings out the best in me, has given everything for me, I can’t stop thinking about him, I just want to be with him and spend time with him. Yeah, I am in looooooove! It is so cool!

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