God is Faithful to ALL his promises

by | Nov 26, 2011


Winter is here in Redding. As we came in to land yesterday we could see that some of the mountains that surround Redding had put on new white coats to protect themselves from the cold winds swirling around them, others sported a thin white lace negligee as, like many before them, they traded warmth for the desire to just be beautiful and draw attention to themselves.

Mystery has jet lag and so I am sitting in the lobby at 4:00 a.m. with her whilst she plays happily, hoping that there is enough of me that is awake that I can post something onto the blog before breakfast. The plan for today was to go to healing rooms with Mystery, however we just saw on the website that the healing rooms are not opening today as a result of the holidays, so it seems that God wants to bless us another way!

The trip over was attended by so much blessing and favour, when we got onto the plane in Johannesburg, a man and a woman who were sitting behind us volunteered to move so that we could have four seats in a row to ourselves, as a result Mystery slept great and even Debbie and I had extra leg room and managed to get a few hours sleep. We have such a sense of expectancy about this trip and know that God has things lined up for us even if it is the holidays here, God is going to connect us supernaturally with the right people. As a sign of things to come when we landed in New York the sun was just on the horizon and was shining directly through the window on our left. Somehow the light was refracted in such a way that it cast a rainbow onto the ceiling over our chairs and onto the head rest of Debbie’s chair. I looked up and down the aisle to see if it was happening all the way down the plane, but there was only one spot where conditions were right it seems, over us, over Mystery. So once again Father reminds us; “God is faithful to ALL his promises”.


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