Flying High

by | Nov 11, 2009

I am in seat 15b on United flight 96, listening to Jika the fantastic new Album released by Colin Dembovsky (You can pay me when I get home Col) on the “red-eye” to New York and I have nothing better to do than Blog! On one side Mark Simpson in out cold having taken a sleeping pill, on the other is a guy also fast asleep who is leaning over into my seat space, (he can hardly help it he has large shoulders and a narrow seat) The contradiction of modern technology is a real pain in the you know where. Here I am connected to the whole www but they just cannot seem to invent a airplane seat that does not turn into something the the KGB could have used to extract confessions of mass murder out of innocent nuns living in Siberia! Oh well I suppose you don’t really want to hear me moan, but as they say misery likes company! I just finished watching “Julie & Julia “the in flight movie, it is about a woman who becomes a published author after she begins a blog, man sometimes it does seem that God lays it on a little thick even I couldn’t miss that encouragement to write! So here I am flying high literally and spiritually!(The guy just put his head on my shoulder, shesh, and he didn’t even buy me dinner first, so now I am sitting forward!)
Monday was another fantastic day Jacques, Jenny, Mark and myself were totally spoilt by Dano, Regina, Rob and Michelle. They took us to the Muir Woods, a stand of awesome Redwoods. There is nothing to compare them to in South Africa, they tower over you so high that you seem to lose sight of them. They are so thick that cars can literally pass through the centre of the larger specimens.
Then we went into San Francisco, stopping to do the tourist thing and take pictures at the Golden Gate Bridge, where I came to the realisation that I am majorly under utilizing my camera. It has wonderful functions that I am not using! Got to read that instruction manual, the whole work it out as I go along is not working out all that well! Then we had supper at Bubba Gumps shrimp restaurant, I had “Shrimpers Heaven” washed down with an American beer. Then at about 9 p.m. we dropped two very cool Obies off at the airport for their 10:20 flight, I was having kittens on their behalf!
This trip has been awesome all the way along, we have just experienced favour and blessing at every turn, we have been prayed for by some of the most anointed and incredible people on the planet, been vacked from Baltimore (More Bolts Lord, more!) to Vacaville (zee town of zee Vacking). I shared a little at The Mission on Sunday, and Mark has been sharing the pennies from heaven testimony all over. People here have heard that South Africa is the new Brazil, and they believe it! I am coming home with a truck load of resources that were given to me free in Redding as well as have a ton of books for Debs and the kids.
However this morning was the cherry on the top, we ministered at The Mission’s school of Supernatural ministry. It was cool, the fire fell and they all got Hammered!
We are landing, got to go!

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