Favour in the USA

by | Oct 29, 2009

Well, I thought that I would steal a leaf from the Dembo’s book and start a blog to keep any of you who are interested in the loop of my travels here in the USA.
Our trip started with great favour, being with Mark has been such a blessing, he really has a tremendous gift of favour on him. Not only did he sweet talk me into the voyager lounge at Jhb international, but he had reserved the emergency row seats on the plane months ago so we had leg room to spare!
I tried valiantly to sleep onboard but failed and so after a while I used the time to catch up on much needed “cultural research” 😉 I watched 3 movies! Including Harry Potter 5! I know, I know some of you will be thinking that I lost my salvation, but honestly this time it WAS cultural research! I was forcibly struck by the fact that this generation are longing for;
1) The reality of supernatural experiences.
2) A cause bigger than themselves to live for, and worth dying for.
3) They understand that life cannot be lived theroretically, but that we only live when we are willing to take risks to step out into the unfamiliar to live what we believe!
And yes, I do understand that there was alot of evil stuff in Harry Potter, I just didn’t eat that!
Got to Washington at 6a.m. local time, and ran into a friend of mine from the Global Aawakening trip on the shuttle. He was the first person we met in Washington, what are the chances? We had great chats catching up, just gave me a sense that God is lining up blessing and divine connections for us all. Got to our Hotel at 11:30. Had a bite to eat, slept for a for a few hours and then went to the church on the shuttle. (one of those typical yellow school buses that you see in movies, kids you would love them!)
The meeting was great, despite the fact that I am struggling with a painful back, Worship was really great tonight.
A lady gave me a word she saw me on a motor cycle with the Lord. Going places with the Lord. Open doors into every place I want to go. She also prayed Holiness over me, a new level of holiness and the mind of the Lord over me. Amen, dig deeper Lord!
Steve Vir-gin, (I’m not kidding that is his name), prayed for me and Jacques and Jenny and we all got totally wrecked in worship. Then Bill preached an awesome message on Honour and recognising someone according to the spirit.
At the end the prayed for people for healing and I felt a lot of improvement in my back, would still ask for continued prayer tho.

I miss you all so much and wish you were all with me. Sorry about the DARK Photo! It was taken with the Netbook cam late at night, it just shows the lobby of my hotel, I will try do better as we go on 🙂

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