I started the day yesterday attending the “Prophetic Round Table“, I knew I was in the right place as soon as I walked in as the chairs were in the shape of a rectangle and there was no table! When I said that to Dano McCollam he just smiled and said “You COULDN’T see the table????” I arrived late, and the only seat left was the one next to Kris Vallotten so once I got over the embarrassment of knowing that the prophet saw me walk in late, I sat next to him trying to SUCK anointing out of the atmosphere 🙂 It was a great meeting!
Three anointed Prophetic ladies!
After that I went to receive prophetic ministry from a team. The team was made up of two adults and one child! Wow, it was incredible! The anointing and the accuracy was so phenomenal. It was so good that when I came to fill out the feed back form that I was concerned that no-one would believe that I was being sincere when I said that the ministry was 100% accurate. It was wonderful to see this 11 year old girl deliver a bold and accurate word and to know that this is what all our children are going to be like. It got me so excited for our December conference, God is going to raise up a company of supernatural children who are going to rock South Africa and the world!
At lunch time we dashed off to see Wendy! Wendy is awesome! In particular the Baconator!
In LOVE @ Wendy’s-with the BACONATOR!
Then we dashed back to minister to our friend Deborah and her team at Sound Wisdom, as the sound ministry is called at Bethel. It was an incredible powerful time with people getting whacked all over the office. The people were so eager to drink and God was so eager to pour out his love! It was great to drink with them! Whilst we were praying I looked down at their water cooler and noticed even the water cooler looked happy, it promptly got renamed the wine cooler, and any-one who took a “drink” from it got hammered! It was glorious! I went back today to minister to the rest of the team today and God fell on them there was such an open heaven.
Even zee vater cooler got Vacked!
After lunch Beni Johnson shared on transition and a number of other topics it was tremendous.
It honestly feels like one is permanently trying to drink from a fire hydrant at times. Then after a short break we went to supper where we got to meet with Steve and Wendy Backlund who are the Bethel leaders in charge of the Leader Development Program which we signed up to do this year, we really had such a divine connection, and I went away from supper feeling I had made new friends,
Lots of other things are happening, but this almost brings me up to date, in my next post I will tell you about Mark Simpson preaching in this morning’s session, don’t miss it, I may even be able to post a video clip.