2010-To owe one nought!

by | Jan 5, 2010

At the beginning of every year I like to dream and try to get others to dream about the year ahead. Dreaming far from beginning time wasted is actually one of the most productive things you can do with your time because dreams become the substance of our world tomorrow. In church this often takes the form of a sermon at the beginning of the year to which early on in my ministry I would assign what i thought was a catchy title like “Closer to heaven in ’97”  after I had been in ministry for a while I began to see obvious problems with the rhyming word for the year approach apart from the obviously corniness of the title, some years are a challenge to name with anything meaningful and so you either have to go with corny or get a real word from God and toss the rhymes! Then again you could go for
’91-just have fun
’92-make it through
’93-we’re at sea
’94-what a bore
’95-try the jive
’96-we’re in a fix
’97-just keep revvin’
’98-trust to fate
’99-Just don’t whine
decades always seemed to be worst!
In the last few years I had fun just coming up with something deliberately overdone just because it was fun to watch my staff squirm in their seats. Last year was a cornucopia of apt but appalling rhymes. I think in the end I came up with something like “SHINE and get in LINE for FINE, DIVINE, new WINE in 2009!” Even though it was obviously hammed and overplayed for effect, it is amazing how God honoured that proclamation in ’09, we had such an outpouring of new wine that looking back on 2009 it seems like one long Holy Spirit drunken party that just shifted venues from East London, to Mozambique, to Cape Town, Durban, Zimbabwe and even over to the USA!
However, what can you do with 2010?
More out of desperation than real faith I created this declaration “2010 a year TO OWE ONE NOUGHT!” and released that in the anointing! The first testimony came in this week from one of our staff , Jenni.
This is what she wrote
Remember Nigel you mentioned the cancellation of debts being a thing of 2010?! I had a dream a few weeks ago of all our outstanding medical bills being cancelled… I have just phoned the doctor’s admin lady to find out about an outstanding account which we haven’t settled (we had accumulated quite a debt with our recent bouts of meningitis and connected viruses…) and she told me OUR DEBT IS CANCELLED! We owe nought!!!!
NEver under-estimate the power of your declarations in the anointing! Go on believe God the this is your year to owe one nought!

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