This school will powerfully equip you to live
no ordinary life
Thursdays, 6:30pm @
The Presence Centre
NEXT INTAKE – 16 February 2023
raising up an army of joy filled lovers
The world is experiencing a shaking more profound than anything in generations. The news cycle seems full of the fearful and fantastic and it appears that the very foundations of our society are being shaken and discarded. However the Bible teaches that God works ALL THINGS together for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose. The most powerful move of God in history has begun, one that will result in a global harvest of more than a billion souls coming into God’s kingdom and bringing reformation to nations. This is the time to get equipped to be one who knows the word of God and the ways of God’s spirit so that you can take your place in the joy-filled army of love that God is releasing to operate in power, signs and wonders and shine his truth in the darkness. Infinite School of the Spirit will build your biblical foundations whilst releasing impartation and activating you in a life in the Holy Spirit so that you can live “No Ordinary Life”. Sign up today and get ready for the adventure of your life.
New Creation
It wasn’t only Jesus who died at the cross, you did too if you are a believer in Jesus. This is one of the keys to the fullness of life that God created you for because it is in the work of Jesus at the cross that all our blessing are attained. However, sadly many christians live on the “wrong side of the cross” and experience powerless, shame-filled and defeated lives. In this course we will see the complete victory of the cross and it’s significance and application to our lives which will empower you to live from a place of rest, full of joy and faith as you appropriate your full inheritance as a child of God.
Biblical Worldview
This course looks at ideas that shape the world of today. The ideas we embrace have a huge effect on how we live our lives. The ideas we believe corporately, will shape the societies we construct and will determine how free, just and prosperous our nations will be.
The course will give an introduction to basic worldview thinking and equip you with a biblical, christian worldview. We will look at some of the main, competing worldviews shaping culture today. You will be better equipped to ‘understand the times’ so that you can more meaningfully engage with people around you and become a biblical agent of change.
Heavenly Identity
The first and most important leadership role is to lead ourselves in freedom and authenticity. Only when we are living from a place of true identity, are we equipped to fulfil our God-given destiny and make our unique mark in the world. Free leaders, lead others to freedom.
This course will give you a liberating picture of who you are and keys for a meaningful and joyful existence. Although we are to be serious about our mission here on earth, we were also meant to be serious about enjoying God, ourselves and others along the way. No matter what great exploits we do, they are empty if we don’t find love and joy along the way.
The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. So for those who desire to know the pleasure of God, faith is of utmost importance. This course will explore the topic of faith in the Word of God and you will discover why faith is important , how it operates, grows in our lives, how to release your faith in partnership with God and see his Kingdom come in your life and the world around you. This is an hour where we need to rise up and be strong in faith to live out God’s purposes.
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit longs to empower you to live a life of fullness, fruitfulness and power. Jesus commanded his first disciples to wait to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that the would be full of his power to extend his kingdom in all the earth. If it was true for the first disciples, how much more is that necessary today that we know and co-operate with the Holy Spirit. This course will examine the work of the Holy Spirit, His fruit, and the gifts He releases to believers so that you can walk in the power of God and more intimately know the God who loves you.
Origins of Everything
If you do not know the beginning of a story you are very likely to misunderstand it and perhaps even get it totally backward. That is true of your own story and the story of human existence on earth. Today many people and sadly even many christians are totally confused about fundamental truths about ourselves and about what makes our lives meaningful, prosperous and happy because we have lost or forgotten the beginning of our story as God revealed it in the Bible. This course will look at the most important questions of our existence as revealed in the book of Genesis. As you study this book you will understand the origin of: creation, humanity, gender, marriage, family, work, language, nations and much more you will gain a solid foundation for a life built on the solid rock of God’s Word.
Healing School
Do you want to see God’s power to heal operate in and through your life? There is a fresh wave of healing revivalists being released in the earth right now! This course will examine the biblical basis for healing and then give you practical equipping and techniques to pray for the sick. You will learn from the scriptures and by the testimony of others who have gone before us how God releases healing.
No Ordinary Life
Jesus came that you might experience no ordinary life wherever you are. Drawing on teaching, testimonies and encounters from all over the world this course will inspire, empower, equip and activate you into a life of experiencing the supernatural presence of God in your every day existence. Built around key revival core values and rooted in our identity as loved children of God it aims to release believers to experience the signs, wonders, miracles and prophetic insights that Jesus promised. As we become grounded in his love and respond obediently to his Lordship we will Live Love.
Believer's Authority
Are you convinced of your authority to overcome the spiritual opposition that you will encounter as you live out your calling? Jesus has given his church authority to overcome sickness, demonic powers and all the power of the enemy. This course will take an in-depth look at the source of the believer’s authority and how to operate with confidence in the work of God, how to pray effectively to bring freedom to people and communities. This course is a must for those who are serious about wanting to see God’s will done on earth “as it is in Heaven” .
Divine Communion
The first and chief need of our Christian life, is connection & fellowship with God Himself. Divine life within us comes from God and is entirely dependent upon Him.
To live this life, we need to stop running ahead on our own wisdom and power which is limited and short-sighted. We need to stop! Like the Bible says, we need to ‘be still and know’ God, but that knowing is not merely knowing in your mind, but rather experiential and tangible.
Revelation is the unveiling of God Himself, not merely truths about God. This means a living encounter that presses in for a response.
In this course we teach you how to still yourself, let go of the temporal and come into spirit to spirit connection with God.
Beautiful Life
Jesus said that I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly. Life is meant to be beautiful and filled with joy but joy is a skill that we need to learn. In this course Nigel and Debbie will teach you the keys to have joy and why that is important. We will also study how beauty shapes our culture.
Creative Dominion
The Henry Fords and Bill Gates of our day have changed the world by acting and taking a risk on a creative idea, thereby gaining influence and authority in our world. God was and is the ultimate innovator! He can create something out of nothing.
You are made in His image!
In this course we explore the values of freedom, risk and play in releasing and birthing God’s kingdom, His thoughts and ideas in society. You will be motivated to access your God given creativity to gain favour, influence and authority, fulfilling your God-given dominion mandate.

Who are we?
Nigel and Debbie have been in the ministry for 30 years. They have planted and pastored three churches in South Africa. They are internationally recognised apostolic and prophetic ministers and love to release grace to raise up leaders and release ordinary Christians to live supernatural lives. They have a passion to see the Kingdom of God come through the dual expressions of revival and reformation, and to see it change Africa and the nations of the earth.
Over their years in ministry, they have run various Bible schools and schools of supernatural ministry. Both Nigel and Debbie are authors and they live in Cape Town with their four children.
Nigel carries a spirit of breakthrough. He purposely focuses on the gold to be found in any situation or person and the contagious atmosphere of freedom and joy surrounding him splashes onto all those around him. He loves to see cultures transformed as the reality of heaven invades earth.
Debbie leads people into a supernatural encounter with God through revelation. She is an anointed speaker and loves revealing the heart, character and beauty of the Godhead.
what are people saying about these courses
Clarinda Sishi
Richard Pringle
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