This is a lifestyle centre to mobilise a movement not confined to one particular church or ministry, not limited to two hours on a Sunday nor confined to the four walls of a church building, age group, gender or nationality. A movement ushering in a whole new way of being a Christian. Imagine a beautiful space open any time of the week, built to host God’s presence in everyday life. Meet friends in the coffee shop, express yourself at the creative gym, improve your health at the the exercise studio, receive prayer at the healing rooms and much more. We want to build a place for men and women who deeply value His Presence, pursue intimacy with God, and live 24/7 in the manifested presence and power of the Spirit.

For more than 20 years Nigel and Debbie have had a vision to build a place where people can come every day and encounter the tangible presence of God. They have dreamed of a space filled with God’s glory, inhabited by his spirit in which people of all backgrounds can come and experience God’s love, peace, joy, truth and power as they meet friends, work, learn, worship, exercise, create, perform or relax. This is about being a habitation, hosting God’s presence, His glory. Diverse people coming together like a honeycomb cathedral, filled with the multi-faceted revelation of God’s goodness and allowing this sweetness to permeate and flavour all of life. It’s a place where the mundane becomes miraculous as we cultivate a corporate awareness of God.

These rooms open specifically for soaking, meditation, prayer, reflection and encounter. With themes or topics that change monthly, these rooms will be open all week long for you to come and soak in God’s presence and meet with Him in the secret place. Creating the quiet space for which you long.

Tension in your body effects your mental health and similarly when your mind is tense it translates into your body. In the studio space, we want people to come, unwind and reset in God’s presence. The Bible calls us to love the Lord our God with our body, soul and spirit, so when we take care of our bodies, it is part of our worship. The first gift God gave you, was you! We want to create a place where we can steward this gift well and worship God with all of who we are. We dream of having a team of PTs, instructors, biokineticists, physios, dieticians and more who use their passions and callings to bring the kingdom in this field.

When you get a gym membership, you get access to a variety equipment and classes to help you on your way to a fitter body. You can choose to work out alone, with a friend or in a set group and the type of exercise you’ll be doing that day. Imagine having a place where you can do that but with arts and creativity! With a membership to our creative gym, you will have access to a variety of supplies and equipment depending on if you want to write, paint, sculpt, sketch or sew. You can come in to work that creative muscle anytime by yourself, organise a gym date with a friend or attend a regular art class with others. A place to create, a place to release and be inspired in His presence.

Our aim is to host the presence in all of life, not just for a few hours on a Sunday. A place to encounter God within our day-to-day lives. What better meeting place than a coffee shop or a tea house, where people can meet up with friends or colleagues, grab lunch, a tea or coffee or get some work done all in His presence.

A place to host speakers, workshops, and courses over a variety of topics, genres and themes. A place for networking events providing inspiration, advice and help.

Those needing physical, emotional or mental healing can come and receive prayer by a trained team in a special, confidential and dedicated time of ministry. This is a place for God to bring restoration, wholeness, healing and freedom.

This is a spa filled with the presence of God. The therapists are trained to not only pamper your body and soul, but to minister in the Holy Spirit. Have a relaxing day at the spa to de-stress, rest and take care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Walking through our ever changing exhibitions, you will be ministered to through various different art pieces on display as we partner with and support local artists.

The celebration of the arts from both local and international talent! It is a place to launch careers, host incredible performers or simply pass an enjoyable evening.

With so many people “working from home” these days, we would like to create a shared workspace for people to change up their scenery, bring a laptop and have a quiet and functional place to work in the Presence. Cornered off but not too far from the coffee shop, with wifi, charging ports, big and small tables so that you can work solo or meet up with a friend to tick off those to-do lists together.

We are starting with a couple of the basic concepts first and as god provides the people and resources to partner with this vision, we can grow and add countless more presence centred initiatives. Our hope is to create an inspiring and faith building atmosphere where people realise their dreams and callings within A vibrant, innovative & creative community.

This vision is much bigger than us and that is how we want it, but this means we need partners who believe in this dream and feel called to come alongside us. There are many different ways you can do this:
First and foremost, we believe that “unless the LORD builds the house, the labourers labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1) pray with us and for us.
We want to build something beautiful for the Lord. We would like people to see the beauty of our God reflected in what we create and we want our end product to be professional and done with excellence. We need to involve many financial partners who give generously towards this goal. We see a mosaic of people contributing big or small pieces to make up the larger picture. Please pray and ask God if you are called to be part of this vision, whether by a monthly partnership, a once off donation or a small seed.
If you feel you could lend your strength to what we are doing in any of the areas of this vision, please contact us.
there are so many more ideas to explore …

This is a safe place for children to play, get creative, take an art or dance class and encounter God for themselves. There is no junior Holy Spirit!

A collection of resources available to be checked out by anyone with a membership. Paper, audio and video materials over a wide variety of topics and genres to broaden your horizons and draw you deeper into the knowledge of God. Manuals to study, novels to enjoy, theology to discover, books for your children and history to learn!

A collection of resources available to be checked out by anyone with a membership. Paper, audio and video materials over a wide variety of topics and genres to broaden your horizons and draw you deeper into the knowledge of God. Manuals to study, novels to enjoy, theology to discover, books for your children and history to learn!

Pastors and church leaders are continuously ministering and giving of themselves. We desire for them to have a place to be refreshed, encouraged, strengthened and blessed. A coal on its own quickly goes out, however when gathered together they burn longer and hotter. we hope to gather leaders together so that they may be of mutual support to one another. This is a place for leaders to find refreshing, as well as partners and friends across the body of Christ.

These are like-minded people, combining their passion for Jesus and for their field of influence to bring Kingdom purpose to their area of society. They seek to find creative solutions to problems and provide support, understanding and empowerment with colleagues in their field.

All art is an expression of something, a way of speaking and ministering to someone. We believe that food is no different. Food and flavours can tell a story, release something and minister to people in much the same way as a painting or prophetic word, if not more so! Our restaurant will house professional and passionate staff who can create art and release the presence of God through their food.