Our busy world is flocking to places to find rest and peace for our minds and bodies, Debbie and Jessica have put together a Kingdom solution for this need.



is a movement, stretch and biblical meditation class. It is designed to help you pause the busyness of life, take a breath and reconnect you with the true source of rest and peace, leading you into an encounter with God to revive, restore and reset your body, soul & spirit. In a restful atmosphere, we combine biblical meditations on God’s nature with stress relieving stretches & movement to wash away the stress of the day so that you come away feeling refreshed and restored from the inside out.

in His Presence

your body, your mind and your soul.

with the true source of rest and peace

The Purpose of

yourself from the business of life

yourself from the inside out

your perspective

Meet our Team

Jessica Desmond

Jessica Desmond

Ex Profesional Ballet Dancer

Jessica was a professional ballerina with Cape Town City Ballet, South Africa’s national ballet. In 2019, after years of dancing, she felt the Lord calling her to a new stage and she joined her parents on the pastoral team at INFINITE in full time ministry. She has a call to blend her two great loves, Jesus and movement, to create spaces of worship where people can wholly enter into His presence, body mind and soul, leaving no part of themselves out. Jessica has a passion for people and seeing the manifested presence of God touch and change every part of their lives.

Debbie Desmond

Debbie Desmond


Debbie has been in full time ministry for over 30 years. She is passionate about leading people into a supernatural encounter with God through revelation. She loves revealing the heart, character and beauty of the Godhead. 


What People Are Saying

“An excellent protected space with deliberate and extremely helpful prompts to focus on God and receive from Him uninterrupted as well as stretching out your body very gently. I felt greatly more relaxed and peaceful, feeling full of God.”

“I enjoyed the physical stretches but I also enjoyed the timeout to meditate on God and the combination of the two really helps that.

What we meditated on in the classes are front of mind in the days to come.”

“So healthy for body, soul and spirit- a real convergence of all three to focus and meditate on God and surrender to all He is”

“Amazing experience, combining stretches, breathing meditating on an aspect of God’s character and receiving that aspect of the LORD’s character and receiving that aspect afresh. It’s good for the body soul and spirit. I was a lot more relaxed at the end of the class and felt a lot closer to God”