Navigating the New Year
There are so many beautiful prophetic words shared on social media with the new year around the corner. It encourages me as I see it as the evidence of the move of God in the prophetic where “everyone can prophesy” and hear the word of the Lord for themselves. It does...
Lessons in the Desert
A few years ago my wife and I had the privilege to visit Israel. I love to travel but I did not anticipate the impact that this trip to Isreal would make on me. Friends who had previously been to Israel had told me that I needed to go because it would make “the Bible...
Weapons of Mass Distraction
It seems like the world has gone completely mad. Politics, pandemics, droughts, fires and wars pound their way into our global conciousness and we have to ask “What on earth is going on?” Recently I awoke with the phrase “Weapons of Mass Distraction” and I felt the...
The Necessity of Beauty
There are some experiences which God gives you that change you forever, if you let them. Many years ago, I had the most wonderful dream of my life. It was unlike any dream I have ever had in that it did not feel like a dream. In fact, quite the opposite. When I awoke...
Is it Wrong for Russia to Invade Ukraine?
It has been said that “the first casualty when war comes is the truth.” This war has burst into the collective consciousness of the west like an artillery shell bursting in a darkened sky. We have been left reeling with shock as images flood our screens that we have...
You are Not What You Think
Does anyone else look around at the world we live in and get the feeling that we have all gone mad? There are times when watching the news or roaming the internet I am literally astounded by some of the things we have come to believe, the things we no longer believe...
The Judean Date Palm – Resurrected Promises
Late last year I found myself lost deep in the halls of Youtube and I stumbled on a truly awesome story that has had me pondering ever since. It’s the story of the Judean date palm which until recently was categorised as being extinct. In ancient times the Judean date...
Fear is the Tool of Tyrants
Jesus said that He came to give us life to the full. The greatest threat to that full, overflowing and abundant life is fear. Fear is the tool of tyrants, both temporal and spiritual, to enslave us and steal the life that God has for us. This podcast by Nigel and...
The Gift of Imagination
One of the most powerful tools that God has given us to shape our world and our future is the gift of the imagination. In this episode Nigel, Debbie and Jessica share stories that illuminate how we can use our imagination to partner with God to live out the full life...
HOT Christmas
As a Southern Hemisphere Christmas experiencer, the irony of burning up in a bikini by the pool while “Frosty the snowman” plays softly in the background is never lost on me. We lick ice lollies, cut out paper snowflakes to flutter in the hot, African breeze, go to...
Bacon Brie Christmas Wreath
Camembert in puff pastry has been one of our favourite Christmas Dinner starters for a couple of years now. This time however is the first time we tried it in a wreath shape. You can put any kind of cheese, jam or preserve inside, we are going to try with Mozzarella...
Miracle Gold Dust Testimony
As we read the text on our Infinite Whatsapp group one morning, prayer bubbled up with the urgency of compassion for our friend. Sarah* had asked for prayer after receiving a concerning phone call from for her brother who, having had a long and complicated history...
The Stories You Tell Yourself
I have always loved stories and story telling. Some of my earliest and most treasured memories are of me and my brother sitting on my father’s knee listening to stories he would make up just for us. Then, as we grew older we would beg for stories of the “olden days”...
Body Shop Service
Ever feel like your body’s “engine light” comes on and you’re not even sure what that means or how to fix it? I recently had to drop my car off for a service and my mind started wondering to what a wonderful possibility it would be to just jolly well drop myself off...
We enjoyed making these Chinese dumplings as a family - and eating them even more! The most popular type of Chinese dumplings are pork dumplings but because we only had ground beef on hand, we decided to make beef dumplings instead. We also didn't use corn and peas in...
Thai Chicken Meatball Khao Soi
Week night Thai Chicken Meatball Khao Soi. This northern Thai inspired noodle soup is the simplest weeknight dinner. Made with flavourful Thai curry paste, coconut milk, and plenty of fresh herbs and lime juice. Toss in seared gingery chicken meatballs and plenty of...
Laughter is Good Medicine
Health has become the new hot topic ever since Corona stopped being merely a beer brand. Luckily for you, we at Infinite have it on good authority that laughter is in fact the best medicine and as such we take this matter very seriously. Did you know that laughter...
There is another great flood coming, get ready.
Early one morning whilst Debbie was walking on the beach in France she noticed a rainbow which seemed to be coming out of a lighthouse, as she watched it grew both in length and beauty until it spanned the whole sky and even reflected in the wet sand at her feet. It's...
Finding Room for God’s Presence
This year the heaven's themselves seem to have been declaring that something significant is occurring on earth. In September there was a "Blood Moon". In October we saw Mars, Jupiter, and Venus come together in a rare conjunction. The Internet was awash with...
Mystery in the Mirror
By Debbie This morning Mystery got dressed all by herself, color coded and all. She came through to show me and was obviously very impressed with her look. She went and stood in front of my mirror and this was her dialogue with herself as she made her assessment:...
Naming Your Well
It was almost 20 years ago that we had, what Nigel and I call, our 'holiday from hell'. It was the beginning of a year of terrible tormenting fear. I don't think there was a day that my face wasn't soaked with tears. My days just seemed like one long panic attack and...
WELL OF LIVING WATER – Do you see it?
It wasn't many years after the meeting at the first well (Genesis 16) that Hagar found herself again at another well, a well that she didn't see at first. A well that when found, gave her and her son life, life that before had been ebbing away in the desert. I can't...
At the Well – Beer-lahai-roi
I have started a study of people "at the well" in the bible. The first reference in the bible to a well is in Genesis 16. There had been conflict between the pregnant Hagar and Sarai. After a time Hagar could bear her trying and painful circumstances no longer and she...
The Power of Playing.
"I will never do that!" I thought to myself as my friend Jacques Oberholzer told me stories over the phone of his latest testimony. We are good friends and we love the move of the Holy Spirit so a few years ago when we both began to experience a fresh out pouring of...
Avoid the Empty Clang
Of all the things that endure throughout time, LOVE is the greatest. We need to often remind ourselves of this truth revealed in 1 Corinthians 13 as we navigate through life so that we don't get off track from walking in our ultimate destiny and to our ultimate...
South Africa! South Africa! Where are you?An immigrant’s meditation on the Rainbow.
"You are a f***ing Goffle!" (a pejorative racist slur in Zimbabwe in the 80's) We love to tell children the old lie "Sticks and stones can break your bones but words will never harm you, however those five words lead me down a dark road that left me wanting to die. I...
The Trouble with Love
There was a time in my life when I was afraid that there was something really, really wrong with me. I never admitted it to anyone, but I had got it into my head that I was a psychopath. I know that sounds really dramatic but I was worried that it was only a matter of...
“Has as great a thing as this ever happened?”
By Debbie Desmond Deuteronomy 4:32-34 Ask now about the former days, long before your time, from the day God created man on the earth; ask from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything so great as this ever happened, or has anything like it ever been heard...
Slaying the Hydra of Jihadism- The search for a Better God.
It is impossible these days to open a newspaper, turn on TV news or browse the internet without being confronted with the phenomenon of globalised Islamist terrorism. Gone is the blissful illusion that these events only happen in Middle Eastern cities that resound...
Earlier this year I delivered a message called Perfect Imperfection. While I was spending time with the Lord, contemplating how we fall short of His perfection, the words of 'All of Me' by John Legend came to mind and I felt like the Lord was singing that to mankind,...
Let the Nations Burn!
Miracles, Signs an Wonders in France I expect signs to happen where I go these days, after all Jesus told us that we should expect signs to follow us. Some signs are like whispers on the wind, easily missed but at other times it seems that God is roaring like an...
Taking a Leap of Faith
An Incredible Journey It has been an incredible 22 year journey pioneering and leading two very different churches which have made a powerful impact in South Africa and abroad. Now we stand on the verge of another life changing move, back to the city where our...
A New Beginning for Sharon. Autistic Girl Receives Healing!
A few weeks ago I was ending a conference in another city when I was approached by a family and asked to pray. Honestly I was tired, but I prayed and trusted God. I did not feel the power like I sometimes do. I did not see any Angels but God came and did something...
Beetroot Juice, iPads & Cultured Cheese
By Debbie Desmond I was out in a restaurant today and I decided to order a Beetroot Juice. That of course got me thinking of my good-looking husband. Why? Simply because it is another of the many things that he has got me into. Knowing and living with him has changed...
Faith to Forgive
- By Debbie Desmond From my counseling chair I watch their faces which, like a TV screen, displays the evidence of the huge battle raging within. Shattered loss and deep cutting pain cry out for vengeance. No peace is found as they look over the ruin and wreckage of...
Living with Wonder-Why Supernatural signs matter.
Christians are being slaughtered in Syria and Iraq. Jews and Palestians are killing each other in the "Holy Land". Children are being Kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria. Ebola World Hunger. The rapid secularization of nations that once loved and served Jesus, and the...
Time you old Gypsy Man. -A Meditation for Change
The sun sinks behind the horizon and another African sunset fades away. One more day slips downstream in the river of my life. What a beautiful sky it was! Now darkness settles over Joburg and I go inside to the hum of a thousand lives buzzing hurriedly by - late for...
Has Anyone seen Robin Williams?
I thought I saw Robin Williams this morning. It seems to me the world is a little poorer this week since Robin Williams is gone, it is not just that he is no longer alive but the crushing tragedy of the way that he died. I, like millions of others never met him other...
Some Thoughts About ISIS
Like many Christians in the west I have been tremendously burdened by the news of recent events in the Middle East. We are seeing a resurgence of Jihadism in our time that is a powerful echo of the militant Islamic armies that once swept across North Africa, the...
Beautiful Things that Mystery taught us.
A few weeks ago one of my facebook friends posted a link onto my wall of a family who have just begun the journey that we started four years ago. They had a little girl with Down Syndrome. They wrote their story here The author...
More Testimonies From Gabon
Here are some of the reports we arre recieving from Gabon. They come from Pastor Augustin Ndjoumbi. Revival Report Mark 16 :17 « "These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;18they will...
Revival in Gabon
There is a long history of searching for the presence of God in the wrong places. Long ago three wise men travelled from the East to seek out the promised Messiah. After clearing customs and declaring that they were importing Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh they checked...
The Power of love
God knows how to get your attention. Yesterday morning as I sat down to prepare my message for Sunday service my mind was swirling with different thoughts and sermon fragments. I was not entirely sure which direction I should go to communicate a theme which was...
Beauty and Turmoil
On Sunday night I listened to tremendous message from our incredible Children's Pastor Esmé. She spoke of how we can often miss the blessings God gives us due to our fixating on our struggles. Like this picture. You can feel the turmoil of the waves crashing against...
Leading by Example
So one of the things that flicks my switches in a big way at the moment is watching how gentle and loving my son Daniel is with his baby sister Mystery. Not long ago we asked him to put her to sleep for us, it seems that he lead by example. It is times like that when...
Whatever blog.
I got my stats back from my blog for 2013. I did not post a single time the whole of last year. So I decided to try and publish a photo daily of something that fits one of my life scriptures. Philippians 4:8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix...
The Conversation of my Life-A Tribute.
One of the greatest pleasures in life must be having a long chat with a good friend. Over the years I can look back on several such times of conversation, times in which I went away inspired, refreshed, encouraged or just amused. However twenty two years ago I started...
WYSIWYG-What you see is What you get.-Debbie Desmond.
A couple of weeks back I was given an opportunity to reflect on and appreciate the friends and church family that I am blessed to have. I was with my family at a hotel for a couple of days fairly recently and of course we had Mystery with us. It is often interesting...
The Awesome voice of Father
“This is my first time Dad! This is my first time Dad!” said the exited voice of my beautiful six year old, Jemima. As I heard her joy over the phone I felt the power of God coming on me even though I was hundreds of miles away in Cape Town The presence was so strong...
The Awesome treasure of Memory.
I haven't had a chance to seek out many awesome's so I have gone into my files. Sometimes we get to live today on the memory of the beauty we find in yesterday, it gives me hope to find beauty in tomorrow.
Monday awesomes
Debbie went to the beach with Connie, Esmé and Linda today. Awesome!
Awesome moments on Friday
Thursday’s Whatever
More Aweome moments
It is harder than I first thought to get onto the net and post awesome moments everyday.( mainly because we are far to busy doing nothing, or doing awesome to write about it.) However, here are a few great moments. Yesterday I got to play the morning away in the sea...
An Awesome Sabbatical
Sometime last year I listened to a talk from TED on Awesomeness. The simple principle that the quality of one’s life can be vastly improved by celebrating and thereby capturing the joy of simple pleasures that occurs every day. So as a family we have decided that we...