who are we


We are a movement not confined to one particular church or ministry, not confined to the four walls of any church building, nor age group, gender or nationality.

It is a movement that will usher in a whole new way of being a Christian.  This is about being a habitation, hosting God’s presence, His glory. 

It is a Cathedral that is not man-made. People will flock to it, but it is not a place, it is the habitation – the habitation of the presence of the Lord.

It is encounter and revelation of God. It is dipping into His goodness and abundance  allowing this sweetness of His presence to permeate and flavour all of life.

It is a platform for world renewal – renaissance. Empowering believers to cultural change & reformation, shifting culture in every realm of society.

It is more than an equipping centre, it is a life giving launchpad facilitating and carrying the supernatural presence of God.

It is a safe place, an incubator where the callings and promises of God are nurtured and made manifest

It is a vibrant creative community, a city filled with multiple faces, people involved together in laughter, joy and celebration, enjoying one another.

Nigel & Debbie

Nigel and Debbie Desmond are ambassadors of God’s love. In the early 1990’s, Nigel and Debbie were part of a campus revival on the University of Cape Town that became the spearhead for a church planting movement spreading around the world. Together, they have planted several churches including the God Adventure church in East London that became a catalyst for revival impacting churches in South Africa, Europe, United States, and across the continent of Africa. Having both been radically transformed by the presence of God, Nigel and Debbie are passionate about bringing people into encounter with the manifest, tangible presence of God. They long to see His Kingdom coming through the dual expressions of revival and reformation. The couple bring trusted prophetic ministry, anointed preaching and teaching with miraculous signs and wonders. There is a strong sense of God’s presence accompanying their ministry. Currently leading a multifaceted ministry called “Infinite,” they live in Cape Town, South Africa with their four beautiful children.

Nigel & Debbie

Nigel and Debbie Desmond are ambassadors of God’s love. In the early 1990’s, Nigel and Debbie were part of a campus revival on the University of Cape Town that became the spearhead for a church planting movement spreading around the world. Together, they have planted several churches including the God Adventure church in East London that became a catalyst for revival impacting churches in South Africa, Europe, United States, and across the continent of Africa. Having both been radically transformed by the presence of God, Nigel and Debbie are passionate about bringing people into encounter with the manifest, tangible presence of God. They long to see His Kingdom coming through the dual expressions of revival and reformation. The couple bring trusted prophetic ministry, anointed preaching and teaching with miraculous signs and wonders. There is a strong sense of God’s presence accompanying their ministry. Currently leading a multifaceted ministry called “Infinite,” they live in Cape Town, South Africa with their four beautiful children.


Jessica was a professional ballerina with Cape Town City Ballet, South Africa’s national ballet. In 2019, after years of dancing, she felt the Lord calling her to a new stage and she joined her parents on the pastoral team at INFINITE in full time ministry. She has a call to blend her two great loves, Jesus and movement, to create spaces of worship where people can wholly enter into His presence, body mind and soul, leaving no part of themselves out. Jessica has a passion for people and seeing the manifested presence of God touch and change every part of their lives..


We are a dwelling place for the manifest presence of God that ignites revival and reformation in our city, country and nations of the earth.



Connecting a generation to heaven.

Everywhere, each of us, determining to pursue the manifest presence of God, live God’s love and make a difference through no ordinary means, but rather the extraordinary.

We are part of BETHEL LEADERS NETWORK as well as being in relationship with other churches, movements, pastors and fathers in the faith.